Sopore, Jan, 2: A day after Jammu and Kashmir High Court directed Director General of Punjab Police to act against the culprits, who murdered Sopore resident Ishfaq Yousuf in Gurdaspur, Punjab, the victim’s mother Saturday sought security to pursue the legal move in Punjab against the culprits. Taking to Rising Kashmir, Roshan Ara, mother of Ishfaq said the State government should ensure her safety during her stay in Punjab so that they can initiate legal moves there.“My son was killed few hundred meters away from Fatehgarh Churiyan Police Station. I will feel insecure while countering the legal moves of my son’s assailants in the court without any security,” she said.Fearing reprisal attack from the culprits after moving to court, Roshan urged the government to provide her security so that she can fight legal battle to seek justice. “I am determined to seek justice for my innocent son, who was brutally killed. I can even go to Supreme Court to fight the legal battle,” she said.Advocate Shabnam Lone, who represents victims’ family in the court told Rising Kashmir that court has already served notice to law and parliamentary affairs minister, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Chief Secretary, DGP Kuldeep Khoda, Punjab Chief Secretary, Punjab DGP and Rupender Kour alias Ruby, the ex-wife of Ishfaq.“The case is the litmus test for the State government. It has to be seen to what extent the State government can go to support the family of victim in pursuing the legal battle,” she said.Shabnam said they have filed a petition to get the possession of Zeeshan, son of victim and to ensure safety of Roshan Ara, mother of Ishfaq, who wants to initiate legal moves against the culprits. “In this regard the court has served a notice to all the concerned people and they have been directed to respond by February 1,” she said.Shabnam said Director General Police should constitute a high level team to investigate the matter.Meanwhile, victim’s family alleged that assailants of Isfhaq are roaming freely in Punjab as local police has failed to nab them.
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