Srinagar: While condemning the “criminal silence” of world over the killing of innocent people in the Valley by paramilitary forces and police, Hizbul Mujahideen, indigenous militant outfit of Kashmir, Monday said that the ‘ongoing freedom struggle’ has entered into “now or never” stage.“Despite Indian suppression from last 64 years, the Kashmir struggle has now entered into ‘now or never’ mode. Everyday dozens of people are being martyred while hundreds are injured,” Hizb chief, Syed Salahudin Ahmad was quoted as saying in a statement by a Muzaffarabad spokesman of the outfit in a statement here to Press Bureau of India.“People irrespective of age and sex are up in arms against India. They are facing the bullets and bombs of the forces unarmed. This exemplified show by people have taken the struggle into now or never mode,” the spokesman, Ahsan Illahi quoted the Salahudin as having told central Command Council of the outfit in his address today. Terming as unfortunate the recent statement by Britain Prime Minister?David Cameron, the Hizb Supremo said that the Kashmir issue was basically created by the English. “He should have taken strong note of the human rights violations in Kashmir and impressed upon the New Delhi to resolve the issue. Thereby, he would have honoured the tenets of democracy.”Salahudin also condemned what he said as criminal silence by the world over the growing ‘human rights violations in the valley.’
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